
For the Value and Practice of Drama/Theatre

Part of SDEA's mission is to advocate for the value and practice of drama/theatre in performance, education, and community.

Our advocacy work is relevant and benefits those who

  • work in the arts
  • have benefited from the arts, in particular drama/theatre
  • can benefit from the arts, in particular drama/theatre

We believe drama/theatre to be vital part of life to not just those working in the arts, but anyone who can benefit from the arts. Our efforts aim to communicate this importance, and work to create a conducive space for good work to happen.

Advocacy efforts

Drama in Curriculum SG Campaign

With the intention of advocating for Drama to have a greater presence in Singapore's primary school curriculum, this campaign launches at the 2024 Goodman Open House.

Currently, art and music education are provided for all students in primary schools and at the lower-secondary level. We believe drama should be a part of that too, for the holistic development of not just students, but all future Singaporeans.

Find out more on our campaign page here.

The Arts Freelancer's Playbook: SDEA's Guide to Understanding Contracts

This living resource was developed by the SDEA Advocacy Subcommittee together with law practitioner and arts advocate Wang Liansheng and edited by Euginia Tan. It aims to demystify and guide freelance drama educators through the confusion of contracts and point out what to look out for in the T&Cs. This will equip freelancers with the knowledge to understand and negotiate for fairer contracts.

This resource that will receive updates and revisions in response to feedback and the needs of the community.

Access the playbook here.

COVID-19 Resource and Advocacy Work

Even before the circuit breaker measures happened, COVID-19 was causing alarm amongst freelance arts practitioners whose projects were getting cancelled, facing many months without compensation or remuneration.

SDEA aggregated useful information, got in touch with the Ministry of Education, and ran surveys and focus groups to better understand how drama educators were being affected by the pandemic.

You may read more about SDEA's efforts here.

SDEA's Code of Professional Practice

SDEA has a published Code of Professional Practice which all members are expected to follow. SDEA believes in the value of Drama Education and recognises the drama educator as a professional. As in any professional body, SDEA proposes a Code of Professional Practice for its members.

You may read more about the Code of Professional Practice here.

The SDEA Advocacy Subcommittee

The SDEA Advocacy Subcommittee consists of members who wish to address advocacy concerns within the community. Members are encouraged to raise concerns and develop programmes and/or resources that will benefit the community.

The group began as The Legal Playbook for Ideal Terms and Conditions Interest Group, out of a need for better terms and conditions during the circuit breaker in response COVID-19, where many educators lost majority of their income due to cancellations and postponements of work. Its work and interests have since diversified.

If you wish to join the subcommittee or undertake an advocacy project, contact us at

SDEA's other programmes

All of SDEA's programmes are regularly reviewed against our mission and vision, and the advocacy needs of the industry. These range from Connections which works to connect stakeholders from different fields for pertinent conversation, to Level Up! Fest, a month dedicated to the celebration of professional development.

You can read more about these programmes here.